Grammarly checker
Grammarly checker

This means I don’t have to review the text manually to check for these mistakes again after finishing my done. Grammarly continuously checks for commas, full stops, spaces, etc. I often write so fast that I can forget commas or not hit the keyboard hard enough on some letters that they don’t register. The grammar mistakes checking is helpful, but what has been a game-changer was the punctuation checker. It merely underlines the wrong word with red, and by simply hovering or clicking on the word, a popup shows with the correction, and you can fix it by simply clicking on the correction.


It can detect all levels of mistakes, from fundamental to advanced mistakes, and make suggestions on how to correct them.

grammarly checker

Grammarly can detect grammar and punctuation mistakes as you’re writing. Some of their features are robust and refined, and some still have a long way to go. Grammarly has many valuable benefits and features and constantly works on new features. So, what does Grammarly do exactly? Grammarly Features and Benefits This tool is meant to replace a human proofreader, and even though it has got a lot of good things going for it, it still needs improvement. Grammarly is available as an online editor, a browser extension, and even as a keyboard for your smartphone. In short, Grammarly is a tool that checks your writing and points out grammatical and spelling errors, among other things. Can Grammarly replace a human proofreader?.

grammarly checker

  • Import your documents into Grammarly’s editor.

  • Grammarly checker