So we stocked our pantries full of low-fat items that turned out to be sugar-laden. Raised during an era where fat was greatly feared, we were urged to banish it from our diets at all costs. It’s hard to believe that for years I shunned fat to the point that my body was starving for real food. This girl has come a long way when it comes to embracing fat. If you’re a fan of cream cheese, I encourage you to check out all our other keto cream cheese recipes.Īnd I also highly recommend my keto fudge pie for yet another rich, fudgy recipe. So not only are you getting a yummy treat, but it’s a great way to increase your fat macros while doing a ketogenic diet.

In fact, my cream cheese ketogenic fudge can also be considered a fat bomb. The use of cream cheese not only gives them a perfect consistency but also adds a little more protein and healthy fat, which are both welcomed on a low carb diet. My recipe for sugar-free fudge has a secret ingredient that makes it velvety smooth. This means you can even invite your young children to help you whip up this keto chocolate fudge recipe. The only heat required is for melting the butter and baking chocolate, which can be done on the stovetop or in a microwave oven. This no-bake keto chocolate fudge uses only a few simple ingredients. That’s right, it’s not only a tasty keto treat, but it’s also fast and easy to make.
What’s so great about this fudge is it’s free from refined sugar, vegan friendly and is gluten free so there’s no excuse not to love everything about it – but how can you not love anything involving peanut butter, right? This 4 ingredient recipe is so easy to make you’ll probably find yourself making it non stop like us. These bite size pieces of heaven are full of healthy fats and protein making it the perfect energy boosting snack and also makes for delicious keto fat bombs. That’s where we’ve stepped in, with our guilt free Peanut Butter Vanilla Fudge recipe – so indulgent you’ll feel like you’re being naughty. If only we could still have our fudge and eat it too, without feeling mildly nauseous from all that sugar. We all have memories of going to the fudge shop as a child and not having a care in the world about the fact you were just eating a bar of pure sugar with a touch of flavouring. Vanilla Fudge, peanut butter, enough said (insert drool emoji).